K-8 Resources

Your central hub for K-8 student and parent resources.

Class Supply Lists

  • Kindergarten

    Classroom supplies – Do not label:

    2 containers of antibacterial wipes

    2 boxes of Kleenex/tissue

    1 Bottle of pump hand sanitizer


    Last names beginning with A-M : box of gallon size

    Last names beginning with N-Z: box of snack size

    Individual supplies – Please label:

    1 pencil box to fit all school supplies except for watercolors, sharpies, and expo pens

    2 pocket folders

    3 glue sticks – large size (unscented)

    2 large erasers

    1 box of crayons - 24 colors

    2 boxes of colored pencils - set of 12 (one for kindergarten classroom and one for science classroom - no fluorescent colors)

    1 set of Crayola watercolors - 8 or 16

    2 Black Sharpies - Fine point (for art projects)

    2 Black Expo pens - Fine point (to be used with our wipe off boards)

    Scissors (please buy left - handed scissors if child is a lefty)

    1 backpack - no wheels please *

    1 set of socks, underwear, and shorts for locker

    Extra locker shorts should be black, but do not have to be uniform

    Consider having extra shoes in locker as well

    1 set of white 30” Cotton Shoelaces

    *Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

    During the school year Mrs. Kusel will notify you if items need to be restocked or replaced. We will not be sharing any items in the classroom. If you find items on sale at the beginning of the year, consider stocking up and keeping them at home to use as replacements when the items start to wear out. Items are usually replaced about three times during the school year.

  • 1st Grade

    Classroom supplies – Do not label:

    2 lg. pkgs. of Clorox or Lysol antibacterial wipes

    Last Name A-M – 1 box of quart Ziploc baggies

    Last Name N-Z – 1 box of gallon size Ziploc baggies

    8 Fine tip black Expo Dry Erase Markers

    2 thin yellow highlighters

    24 – sharpened yellow Ticonderoga pencils

    8 glue sticks (no scented glue please)

    Individual supplies – Please label:

    Fiskar scissors - blunt or sharp

    2 pkg. of Crayola colored pencils (12-24 size)

    2 pkg. of Crayola washable markers, 10 classic color broad line

    2 pkg. 24 count Crayola crayons

    1 Crayola watercolors (8 or 16 colors)

    3 plastic 3-prong pocket folders (1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green)

    1 three ring zipper pencil pouch

    1 extra-large plastic 11 by 7 pencil box (easily found at Target)

    Soft backpack – no wheels on back *

    *Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

  • 2nd Grade

    Classroom supplies:

    6-8 Glue sticks

    1 Elmer’s white glue

    One 12” Standard/Metric ruler

    1 pack of colored pencils

    1 box of crayons

    24 #2 pencils – yellow only (Ticonderoga preferred)

    2 large pink erasers

    1 container of antibacterial wipes

    1 box of 10 -12 washable markers

    3 folders with pockets

    1 supply box (no longer than 8”)

    1 pair of sharp scissors – big kid scissors

    1 sturdy jump rope

    2 composition notebooks (wide – ruled), NOT spiral notebooks

    1 clipboard 8x10 or 8x11

    1 whiteboard 8x10 or 8x11

    Dry erase makers - black

    1/2 inch red or orange binder ONLY for science

    1 five pack of 5 tab dividers for 3 ring binder for science

    Soft backpack*

    *Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

  • 3rd Grade

    Classroom supplies:

    Backpack – large enough for binder and lunchbox, small enough to fit in a locker and wear comfortably, no wheels *

    1.5 inch 3-ring binder (plastic cover for front insert of paper)

    1 package of 5 tab binder dividers (no more than 5 please)

    1 white 1 inch 3 ring binder with inside pockets (plastic cover for front insert of papers) for science

    2 boxes of 12 yellow or black Dixon Ticonderoga pencils

    1 large and 1 small book cover

    Drawing notebook – any sized, well bound notebook with unlined paper for sketching that will fit in the desk

    1 package of 8 tab binder divider for 3 ring binder for science

    1 individual small hand sanitizer for desk

    2 boxes of Kleenex

    Headphones for Chromebook

    Mouse with chord (cannot be wireless) - optional

    Small supply box (approx. 5x7) containing:

    Scissor- 5-6”, sharp

    4 packs of assorted color index cards

    5 red non-clicking pens

    1 box of 24 (or less) crayons

    1 box of 8 or 10 washable markers, thin or thick

    1 box of 24 colored pencils

    4 Small glue sticks

    4 highlighters of different colors

    4-5 skinny dry-erase markers, low odor

    1 small pencil box for desk supplies

    *Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

  • 4th Grade

    Classroom supplies:

    1 binder – 2” 3-ring binder (schoolwork)

    One 8 - tab set of binder dividers

    1 pack of notebook paper (200 sheets or more)

    12 or more pencils (wooden preferred)

    6 or more erasable ballpoint pens (black or blue)

    3 or more red ballpoint pens

    12 inch wood ruler with standard/metric markings

    Crayons (24 pack)

    Colored pencils (box of 12)

    1 pair of scissors

    1 small bottle white liquid glue

    4 glue sticks

    Water-based markers (box of ten or less)

    Yellow highlighter (2)

    3 book covers

    1 container of Clorox Wipes

    Headphones (inexpensive)

    Corded mouse for Chromebook (optional)

    *Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

  • 5th Grade

    Classroom supplies:

    100-200 pack of notebook paper (wide ruled) *

    Supply of blue or black pens

    Any kind of #2 pencils*

    Highlighter – any color

    3 binders (1 – 1.5 inch) – any color*

    No Zipper/Velcro Binders aka Trapper Keepers - too large for desk

    1 box of plastic sleeves for state report (can keep at home)

    4 book covers

    1 - Pocket folder (any color or type)

    Dividers for binder

    Bible – New International Version (Mr. Payne will keep over summer for returning students)

    Colored pencils


    Glue & glue stick *

    Markers with many colors

    Black sharpie markers (at least 3 ultra-fine, 3 fine) *

    1 pack of Papermate Flair Pens (optional)

    1 pack of colored sharpies (optional)

    1 piece (a ball, a bat, soccer ball, frisbee, etc.) of playground equipment

    Headphones (inexpensive)

    Pencil box (one like this)

    Corded mouse for Chromebook (optional)

    *Would be good to have back - ups at home for later in the year.

    **Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

  • 6th Grade

    Classroom supplies:

    Bible (New International Version or Adventure Bible)

    3 SEPERATE 1 subject spiral notebooks, COLLEGE ruled

    1 composition notebook, COLLEGE ruled

    1.5 – 2 inch binder with vinyl outside panel and inside cover pockets

    At least 6 binder divides with tabs and pockets

    Ruler with inch/metric 1/16”

    2 pocket folders

    3 large brown paper grocery bags for book covers

    Headphones or earbuds (no wireless, inexpensive and can be left at school)

    Refillable water bottle

    Soft backpack*

    Need to replenish all year

    Pencil pouch that contains:

    #2 pencilslarge pencil erasers, dry erase board markers, dry eraser (can use old socks), highlighters – several colors, ballpoint pens (black or blue), and colorful pens for grading (at least 3 colors). College ruled loose leaf lined paper, and graphing paper ¼ inch.

    Art Supplies


    Glue stick and white glue

    Crayons, water-based markers, colored pencils

    Black sharpies (at least 1 fine and 1 ultra fine)

    Watercolors and an assortment of brushes (Prang watercolors are the best)

    Optional Supplies

    Mouse for Chromebooks

    Flair pens, Colored sharpies

    Donations for class

    Oil pastels (300-500 classroom set)

    Playground equipment (Kick balls, Soccer balls, Footballs, Frisbees)

    Disinfectant wipes

    Flair pens

    Baby wipes

    *Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels

  • 7th Grade

    Academic supplies:

    Bible (New International Version)

    Supply of pencils

    Supply of pens (Blue or Black)

    Red pen(s)


    12 inch ruler with metric/inch markings


    Compass (for math)

    Two 3-ringed binders (1 inch)

    2 packages of notebook dividers

    4 Book Covers (1 small one for English text book, 3 regular sized book covers)

    Supply of college ruled notebook paper

    Ear buds or inexpensive headphone – to be left at school

    Colored pencils or crayons


    1-2 fine-tip black sharpies

    1 extra fine black sharpie

    Glue stick

    1/4 inch graph paper supply


    Calculator with square root functions

    White out (helpful, but not required)

    Donations of the following would be appreciated:


    Rubber Kickballs

    * Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

  • 8th Grade

    Academic supplies:

    Bible (New International Version)

    Supply of pencils

    Supply of pens (Blue or Black)

    Red pen


    12 inch ruler with metric/inch markings

    Protractor - Transparent plastic

    Compass (one that doesn’t move once distance is set)

    Two 3-ringed binders, each filled with a supply of ruled paper

    8 Notebook dividers

    2 Book Covers

    Technology supplies:

    Ear buds or headphones (inexpensive that can be left at school)

    Art supplies:

    Colored pencils or markers

    Other supplies as required by art teacher

    Acrylic paint brush set (Mr. Kusel will show students what to look for)

    Pencil kit for Art (Mr. Kusel will show students what to look for)

    *Optional: a mouse to help with science 3D printing

    * Students backpacks must fit into lockers and have no wheels.

Week View
March 23, 2025 - March 29, 2025