Below are all of the materials that will help prepare you for the new school year. Please review all materials. If you have questions, please call, or email the school office. Should you want a hard copy of any information, please contact the school office.
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Christ Lutheran School will be offering school lunch from Ki's School Lunches (the company we have partnered with the last two years) for Monday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday. CLS will continue to offer in-house, simple lunches on Tuesdays to help fund the Eighth Grade Catalina and Sixth Grade Outdoor Education experiences. Additional information for ordering lunches will be sent via email.
Ms. Schwarz will regularly send a Principal’s Email to all parent emails on file. We also send Eagle News home weekly in your child’s folder and via your Brightwheel app. If you would like us to add or edit an email address, please contact the school office.